Services We Provide

Chiropractic Adjustments

The chiropractic adjustment is the foundation of chiropractic care. It is the method in which a chiropractor uses to restore motion to the spine.


What is the Activator?

Activator method is considered the gentlest, safest, and most effective instrument adjusting chiropractic technique suitable for patients of all ages.


Chiropractors use passive and active therapies to supplement the chiropractic adjustment. Click to the link to see all the treatments we offer.

The chiropractic adjustment is the foundation of chiropractic care. The doctor will check the spine for areas that are not moving correctly. A correction will be performed to allow for movement of that spinal segment, decreasing inflammation and taking irritation off those joints and the nervous system. This allows for proper function and healing of the patient. The spine can move like it was designed, and the nervous system can better move messages from the body to the brain and then ultimately the brain to the rest of the body. Chiropractic adjustments are safe for every age, from infants to the elderly, and are used to help patients heal better and to function at their highest potential.

There are two main ways the doctor will adjust your spine – manually or with an instrument.

During a manual adjustment, the doctor uses his hands to apply pressure to the improperly motioning joints to make them move.

Instrument adjusting was designed for patients who have had surgery, have osteoporosis, or are weary of a manual adjustment. For instrument adjustments, the doctor will use the activator tool and protocol to gently restore motion to the improperly moving joints. This is safe for all patients because it does not use any forceful or twisting motions.